
[[custom-analyzers]] === Custom Analyzers

While Elasticsearch comes with a number of analyzers available out of the box, the real power comes from the ability to create your own custom analyzers by combining character filters, tokenizers, and token filters in a configuration that suits your particular data.

In <>, we said that an analyzer is a wrapper that combines three functions into a single package,((("analyzers", "character filters, tokenizers, and token filters in"))) which are executed in sequence:

Character filters::


Character filters((("character filters"))) are used to `tidy up'' a string before it is tokenized. For instance, if our text is in HTML format, it will contain HTML tags like


that we don't want to be indexed. We can use the http://bit.ly/1B6f4Ay[html_stripcharacter filter] to remove all HTML tags and to convert HTML entities likeÁinto the corresponding Unicode characterÁ`.

An analyzer may have zero or more character filters.



An analyzer must have a single tokenizer.((("tokenizers", "in analyzers"))) The tokenizer breaks up the string into individual terms or tokens. The http://bit.ly/1E3Fd1b[`standard` tokenizer], which is used((("standard tokenizer"))) in the standard analyzer, breaks up a string into individual terms on word boundaries, and removes most punctuation, but other tokenizers exist that have different behavior.

For instance, the http://bit.ly/1ICd585[`keyword` tokenizer] outputs exactly((("keyword tokenizer"))) the same string as it received, without any tokenization. The http://bit.ly/1xt3t7d[`whitespace` tokenizer] splits text((("whitespace tokenizer"))) on whitespace only. The http://bit.ly/1ICdozA[`pattern` tokenizer] can

be used to split text on a ((("pattern tokenizer")))matching regular expression.

Token filters::


After tokenization, the resulting token stream is passed through any specified token filters,((("token filters"))) in the order in which they are specified.

Token filters may change, add, or remove tokens. We have already mentioned the http://bit.ly/1DIeXvZ[`lowercase`] and http://bit.ly/1INX4tN[`stop` token filters], but there are many more available in Elasticsearch. http://bit.ly/1AUfpDN[Stemming token filters] `stem'' words to ((("stemming token filters")))their root form. The http://bit.ly/1ylU7Q7[ascii_foldingfilter] removes diacritics,((("ascii_folding filter"))) converting a term like"très"into"tres". The http://bit.ly/1CbkmYe[ngram] and http://bit.ly/1DIf6j5[edge_ngram` token filters] can produce((("edge_engram token filter")))((("ngram and edge_ngram token filters")))

tokens suitable for partial matching or autocomplete.

In <>, we discuss examples of where and how to use these tokenizers and filters. But first, we need to explain how to create a custom analyzer.

==== Creating a Custom Analyzer

In the same way as((("index settings", "analysis", "creating custom analyzers")))((("analyzers", "custom", "creating"))) we configured the es_std analyzer previously, we can configure character filters, tokenizers, and token filters in their respective sections under analysis:


PUT /my_index { "settings": { "analysis": { "char_filter": { ... custom character filters ... }, "tokenizer": { ... custom tokenizers ... }, "filter": { ... custom token filters ... }, "analyzer": { ... custom analyzers ... } } }


As an example, let's set up a custom analyzer that will do the following:

  1. Strip out HTML by using the html_strip character filter.

  2. Replace & characters with " and ", using a custom mapping character filter: + [source,js]

"char_filter": { "&_to_and": { "type": "mapping", "mappings": [ "&=> and "] }


  1. Tokenize words, using the standard tokenizer.

  2. Lowercase terms, using the lowercase token filter.

  3. Remove a custom list of stopwords, using a custom stop token filter: + [source,js]

"filter": { "my_stopwords": { "type": "stop", "stopwords": [ "the", "a" ] }


Our analyzer definition combines the predefined tokenizer and filters with the custom filters that we have configured previously:


"analyzer": { "my_analyzer": { "type": "custom", "char_filter": [ "html_strip", "&_to_and" ], "tokenizer": "standard", "filter": [ "lowercase", "my_stopwords" ] }


To put it all together, the whole create-index request((("create-index request"))) looks like this:


PUT /my_index { "settings": { "analysis": { "char_filter": { "&_to_and": { "type": "mapping", "mappings": [ "&=> and "] }}, "filter": { "my_stopwords": { "type": "stop", "stopwords": [ "the", "a" ] }}, "analyzer": { "my_analyzer": { "type": "custom", "char_filter": [ "html_strip", "&_to_and" ], "tokenizer": "standard", "filter": [ "lowercase", "my_stopwords" ] }}


// SENSE: 070_Index_Mgmt/20_Custom_analyzer.json

After creating the index, use the analyze API to((("analyzers", "testing using analyze API"))) test the new analyzer:


GET /my_index/_analyze?analyzer=my_analyzer

The quick & brown fox

// SENSE: 070_Index_Mgmt/20_Custom_analyzer.json

The following abbreviated results show that our analyzer is working correctly:


{ "tokens" : [ { "token" : "quick", "position" : 2 }, { "token" : "and", "position" : 3 }, { "token" : "brown", "position" : 4 }, { "token" : "fox", "position" : 5 } ]


The analyzer is not much use unless we tell ((("analyzers", "custom", "telling Elasticsearch where to use")))((("mapping (types)", "applying custom analyzer to a string field")))Elasticsearch where to use it. We can apply it to a string field with a mapping such as the following:


PUT /my_index/_mapping/my_type { "properties": { "title": { "type": "string", "analyzer": "my_analyzer" } }


// SENSE: 070_Index_Mgmt/20_Custom_analyzer.json